Tag: Writing

  • Joint exhibition to celebrate ‘Landfall’

    Joint exhibition to celebrate ‘Landfall’

    Landfall’s position as New Zealand’s pre-eminent literary and art journal is being celebrated in a unique way by the Otago Arts Society.

  • The East Coast as Christmas Dinner from an Airbus

  • Eastern Line to Manukau

    Thanks to Jade at Books on the Bus NZ. Great idea for #NZpoetryday On the Eastern Line Service to Manukau, you'll find Machine Language, a collection of Poetry by Victor Billot for #NZPoetryDay pic.twitter.com/gtA0gxDJ6D — Books on the Bus (@booksonthebusnz) August 25, 2017

  • Economics

    There was a commotion outside the window. A million people arrived overnight and moved swiftly to assemble petrol stations, delicatessens and strip joints. Signs point everywhere you cannot go. I think of the past to hold myself down. There are more products than you can imagine. Throttled streets lined with plates of black ice. I…

  • Ambient Terror available now

    Released 10 May 2017 at the Dunedin Writers and Readers Festival, Ambient Terror is the third volume of poetry from Dunedin writer Victor Billot.

  • DWRF17

    Massive week at the Dunedin Writers and Readers Festival 2017. Launched Ambient Terror at Chain Reaction, a multiple book launch with fellow Dunedin Writers Peter Olds, John Gibb, Paddy Richardson and Huberta Hellendoorn, at the Athenaeum on Wednesday night, followed on directly by MCing the launch of Manifesto: 101 Political Poems at the Leviathan. Friday…

  • Pirate Sessions #2: The End of the World

    Friday 11 May 8.30–9.30pm at the Leviathan Hotel, Dunedin – entry by koha Writers get together with host Victor Billot and share a mix of theories, essays and stories about life at the End of the World, over a beer. A recent New Yorker article titled ‘Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich’ revealed that wealthy Silicon Valley doomsdayers…

  • Chain Reaction: Book launch

    A group book launch to celebrate a goodly crop of new publications: Peter Olds’ poetry collection Taking My Jacket for a Walk (Cold Hub Press); Paddy Richardson’s novel Through the Lonesome Dark (Upstart Press); Victor Billot’s third volume of poetry Ambient Terror (Limetone Singularity); Huberta Hellendoorn’s memoir Astride a Fierce Wind (Makaro Press); and John Gibb’s poetry…

  • Book club

    What I have been reading in 2009 >>>

  • Wintering

    Horizontal sleet from south meets my window. Sole outdoors activity today – cutting kindling with a blunt axe. Time for a reading list: China Mieville (Perdido Street Station and the even better sequel/companion volume The Scar) Iain M. Banks (Look to Windward was my scifi book of year 2003 – now I’m rereading Feersum Endjinn)…